Monday, March 31, 2008

Surgery Update

Anna did great. She about back-handed the dentist at one point, but then she calmed down and they put in the caps. As for the front tooth I wanted out, they said, "It will eventually loosen up and fall out." They did say that with her permanent teeth coming in behind her baby teeth that there was major over crowding and that they will pull her bottom "eye" teeth at her next appointment to give her room. I hope they do. He also said that when she is about 13, she will need braces! ARG!! I knew that would happen. That is still 6-7 years away though, so for now I do not worry about it. I hope we will have a better income or insurance then so we can do it. Like I said...too far away to think about it right now. Gotta go. Take care all.

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