Friday, March 28, 2008

Street Noise?!

How close are we to the major loop for our city? Well, when you look out the window, you see this...

See the sign for the exit? And of course the cars passing through on the busy loop. It is actually pretty funny to me. We had our blinds open today and Anna said, "Mom, I can see the street sign from here." It was too funny. I had never really noticed it before today and we have been here two months. LOL! Yes, I took that picture through our blinds. I didn't feel like raising them. Anyhow, thought I would share. We always here street noises all day and all night. We are also like 2 blocks from an ambulance dispatch, so we hear sirens a lot too.

I will update tomorrow on our bank field trip from today. It was fun and I learned alot. (Like I said, you have to wait till tomorrow.) Have a good day.

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