Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Secret...

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Yes, the disease that eventually disfigures people's hands. That's what I have. It is a painful disease that I must live with everyday. You can learn more about it here. Here is a quote from their website that tells a little bit about it.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is it?
Rheumatoid arthritis (rue-ma-TOYD arth-write-tis) is a chronic disease, mainly characterized by inflammation of the lining, or synovium, of the joints. It can lead to long-term joint damage, resulting in chronic pain, loss of function and disability. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) progresses in three stages. The first stage is the swelling of the synovial lining, causing pain, warmth, stiffness, redness and swelling around the joint. Second is the rapid division and growth of cells, or pannus, which causes the synovium to thicken. In the third stage, the inflamed cells release enzymes that may digest bone and cartilage, often causing the involved joint to lose its shape and alignment, more pain, and loss of movement.Because it is a chronic disease, RA continues
indefinitely and may not go away. Frequent flares in disease activity can occur. RA is a systemic disease, which means it can affect other organs in the body. Early diagnosis and treatment of RA is critical if you want to continue living a productive lifestyle. Studies have shown that early aggressive treatment of RA can limit joint damage, which in turn limits loss of movement, decreased ability to work, higher medical costs and potential surgery. RA affects 1.3 million Americans.Currently, the cause of RA is unknown, although there are several theories. And while there is no cure, it is easier than ever to control RA through the use of new drugs, exercise, joint protection techniques and self-management techniques. While there is no good time to have rheumatoid arthritis, advancements in research and drug development mean that more people with RA are living happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

There you have it. My secret is out. Now you know why I move like I am a teenager some days and other days, I move like I am 70. I hope this explains a little about me. They have just re-diagnosed me with it right after Christmas. He (The Doctor) started me on medication right away and I will not know for about another week or so if it is going to work or if we need to switch. Just thought i would share. I know God is going to get me through the day-to-day and he will continue to do so. So, I guess that's all. Just was sharing. God Bless you all.

1 comment:

We're Blessed said...

Thank you for sharing! I know it is hard to let people in, but when you do so, it allows them to know how to pray for you and give you the support that otherwise may have been impossible! May God's strength and healing flow through your body!!!