Friday, January 4, 2008

Still Sick and Searching

Still Sick: Jeremy is still sick. He has been sick for over 3 weeks. Yesterday he went to the doctor and he has bronchitis and an ear infection. Please tell me this will pass soon with the antibiotics. I mean seriously. It has been over three weeks since I have been able to kiss my husband. For our anniversary last month I said "I love you, but don't kiss me." How pathetic is that. Still sick, but hopefully he is on the mend. Please pray that this will pass soon. I am so tired of him being sick and I think Anna is too.

Searching: The search for a new place is on. I called over 30 different places about houses and duplexes for rent. I am hoping to find something that will suit our family just right and will be within the budget we can handle. I know it will come, but it is not in our timing, but in God's. We also got our first set of boxes last night to start packing. We have a lot of junk and between working, searching for a place, homeschooling, and Jeremy being sick, I must start packing now.

I know that was brief, but Anna has a doctor's appointment today. No, she is not sick, it is just a Well-Check, in which we will be in a waiting room with a bunch of sick kids and we will probably be back there next week with some sort of virus or whatever. (**Knock on Wood.) Anyhow, I better go. Have a great day all.

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