Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Nothing New

We really have nothing new to report. We are going about with our daily lives, including school, laundry, dishes, work, church, gymnastics, ballet and just plain old everyday life. We still haven't unpacked all the boxes in my mom's house. I have been so busy with the regular stuff that it is hard to get over there and unpack everything. We have several boxes that need to be gone through before we decide where to put them. We have also been trying to decide what to use and where to get the items for Anna's birthday in a month. I haven't even decided what to get her yet, but we know what kind of cake she wants and I am looking into having it made. It is not something I can just go pick up at Wal-mart this year. Sorry, no hints! LOL! You must wait and see with everyone else.

Here are some things to think about though:

*There are 36 days till Anna's birthday
*There are 84 days till Christmas
*There are 23 days till my birthday
*There are 111 days till Jeremy's birthday
*There are 150 days till the lease is over in this apartment
*We have been married for 7 years, 9 months, and 15 days
*Jeremy has been at his current job for 1 year and 21 days
*I have been at my current job for 11 months and 15 days

Just some thoughts to ponder. No I am not incredibly bored and sat and figured it out. We have this really cool countdown, and count up thingy on our computer. All we have to do is enter the date and time and it will tell us how long since, or how long to the next. Pretty cool huh?! The one that gets me is the 84 days till Christmas. Is it really that close? UGH! I am not even close to ready.

Anyhow, I better go for now. Have a great day and have fun pondering these thoughts.

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