Monday, August 13, 2007


YEAH! We had our first official day of school today and everythng went great. It didn't take us very long for just two subjects, but to make ourselves sit down and actually do them was great. I even made some copies of other items we needed for the next few weeks. :-) I am so glad we started and so glad she is so eager to learn. I will try and get some pictures up later, but we haven't got that far. The other thing Anna did today was put "mom" on one of her papers without even asking me how to spell it or tell her the letters, she just did it. That made me so proud as we have been working on three-letter words for some time now. Can you tell we had a good day. Anyhow, thanks for the prayers and I will let you know how it goes. Like I said for this week we are just doing two subjects, then adding in as needed. Take care all.

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