Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Change of Plans?

Well, that didn't work! With all the rushing around this week trying to get things set for my mom moving this way, we almost completely messed up our new homeschooling schedule. My husband says to wait till after Labor Day, but I have already started and want to keep going. We were doing so well until yesterday. We did one whole day of everything before something important came up and pretty much all school took a hike out the window. YIKES! I can't believe it was that easy to let it go by the wayside, but this was mega important stuff as I needed to find my mom a place to live in down here.

Anyhow, then today I set the alaram for 7:00am, and I either was so tired I slept through it, or it never went off. I also never heard my husband's alarm, nor did I hear him getting ready for work and that really scares me, because I always wake up before he leaves. I must have been catching up on sleep where as Monday night I didn't sleep but 3 hours, from midnight to 3:00am. Yes I was up at 3:00am yesterday ready for the day. UGH! It was horrible.

Well, now that we have an even later start to our day because I wanted to come on here, I better get Anna and I ready for the day. We have a lot to do. I still do not have an entire trunk of boxes and newspapers yet for the move, but we will get there by Friday, right? I sure hope so, that is less that I will have to get later. Have a good day all and thanks for sticking by me. I will get this schooling thing down and yes, my husband is right, we will probably need to start over and have a good start after Labor Day. I hope he doesn't read ths, it will boost his ego too much. LOL!! I was originally planning on starting then anyhow. Have a good day!


C said...

You're not behind. Just pick up right where you left off. It's okay. You're doing GREAT! Homeschool meshes with life, and sometimes life goes a little nuts right in the beginning.

From one homeschooler to another ...

Megamom said...

Thats one of the benefits of homeschooling, is that you can tweak the schedule. I have friends, who homeschool, that teach thruout the summer just so that they can take their vacation weeks thruout the year as they do.