Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sunday Morning, or was it?!?!?

Ok Sunday morning I was really out of it. I was insistent that it was Monday for a long time. (Don't ask me what happened to Sunday, but it was Monday in my brain.) Here is what happened:

In the morning, I woke up around 6:45am and looked at the computer and Jeremy was on it.

Nicole: You're going to be late for work.
Jeremy: I called in sick today.
Nicole: What did you do that for?
Jeremy: I felt like it.
Nicole: Oh.

I then went back to sleep for a little bit. I woke up about 20 minutes later and turned the TV on. Jeremy, of course, is still on the computer and has not said anything to the fact that it is indeed Sunday and not Monday. I put on PBS and there was JJ the Jet Plane, followed by Thomas the Train. We watch PBS every weekday morning, and that is NOT the regular line up. It is Arthur, Curious George, Clifford, Super Y, and then Dragon Tales. I have that line up memorized!! They better not mess with it!!

Nicole: They are messing with our shows.

I flip to what I think should be morning news and it is something else.

Nicole: What in the world? We are going to have to resort to watching movies every morning. I am not watching JJ and Thomas every morning. I mean they are good shows, but I like Arthur and Curious George better for Anna. What are they doing? UGH!

Jeremy just sits and continues to play on the computer. I am confused and semi-frustrated with all the morning show changes, so I lay back down for a few minutes and rest my eyes. I then sit straight up.

Nicole: Its not Monday, its Sunday and it Father's Day. How did I miss that? Oh my gosh, what is wrong with me??

I flip to channel 32, to confirm that it is indeed Sunday. (It shows the date and time in the bottom right hand corner.) Oh goodness. I felt confused and stupid at this point.

Jeremy then bursts out laughing.

Jeremy: I knew what day it was, but I was just playing along.

He didn't realize that I was really missing the day. UGH!

I really am not sure why that happened, or how, but I had completely missed that it was Sunday for like 40-45 minutes. It took me that long to realize that my brain was screwed up. UGH!! I really hope that NEVER happens again. I hate being confused like that.

1 comment:

Julie said...

So did you really have to work on Sunday? or did you call in sick on a day you didn't have to work? lol?