Monday, February 18, 2008

Tooth Fairy Money

Well, this being her first tooth to fall out and all we figured it should be good amount, but we could never really decide on an amount. We gave her, I mean the Tooth Fairy gave her $10. Hope she doesn't expect that from all the other teeth. Only reason I did that is her cousins get a bunch of stuff from the tooth fairy (well, the only cousin that she knows about got a ton from her mother, a video game and money and other items) and I probably faired cheaper than their parents. LOL. She will only get a dollar or two from here on out, but I figured first tooth and all, it would be okay. First tooth is extra special right?! LOL! Anyhow, she came in this morning and I asked her about her tooth and if it was gone and she said yeah. I said what did the Tooth Fairy leave you? She says, "just a dollar." LOL!! Can you tell she doesn't know the value of the bills yet? Anyhow, I said let me see it and she brought it to me and I played dumb and said, Anna, this isn't just a dollar, and proceeded to make her read the amount on the bill. She said ten and then asked what Preisdent that was on the money. She really has a fascination with the different Presidents. Anyhow, I told her she had enough to buy a movie from Wal-Mart and she was excited. Now, I wonder what movie I will be subjected to. LOL! She wants to go today by the way. Sorry honey, but she is dying to spend her money already. LOL! Anyhow, we better get started for the day. I am not sure how much Anna is going to want to do, but we will do something. Have a good day all.

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