Monday, February 11, 2008

OOPS! I Forgot....

I forgot to come back on here! LOL! I cleaned the remaining items on Thursday and finished with the old place. Need to buy drip pans for the stove and put them in, then have them walk-through and turn in the keys, but we are done cleaning. YEAH!!! I am glad. That was a lot of hard work and it was nasty. My hands really took a beating this time. Anyhow, we will be comepletely done with it this week. YEAH!!

As for the new place, I hung some of the pictures up yesterday and it is slowly coming along. I can't seem to get through the dishes and laundry ever, but I think that is a normal household thing. LOL! We will be starting back to school today too, after 2 and a 1/2 weeks off, from being sick, moving, setting up, and actually unpacking everything. Hope Anna liked the break, becasue that is the end of it.

We go in just under two weeks to visit my sister and the new baby. I can't wait. I am very excited and so is Anna. We will get to stay for about 3 and a 1/2 days. Anyhow, we are very excited and can't wait to go see the baby and my sister. I haven't seen her since August, when she was still almost 5 months pregnant. It will be good to see her and she will be reasy to get out with the baby around that time. Very good.

Alright, I better go for now. Time to get ready for the day and throw together some lesson plans. Take care all and have a good day. God bless.

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