Monday, February 4, 2008

Back to the Same Old Stuff

Back to the same old grind. We are up and at it like normal today. Plans are to go clean the old apartment a bit. We are trying to get out of there completely by the end of the week, but we will have to see. I will at least go move the trash out and get the bathroom cleaned and possibly the bedrooms today. Tomorrow we will go back and clean the living room and dining room and we will save the kitchen for Wednesday (it is in the worst shape and will take the longest to clean.) Anyhow, as for this list from yesterday, here's how I did:

1. Go to church - check. It was a great service too.
2. Take my mom shopping - check
3. Move the washer & dryer and hook them up - check. we moved the deep freezer too.
4. Wash dishes and put them away - started, but definately not complete.
5. Wash laundry (can only be done if we complete # 3) - started, but again not complete.
6. Unpack homeschool stuff and get organized - unpacked and organized.
7. Write lesson plans for school - never even got close to doing this.
8. Put the thought of EVER moving again out of my head - still don't ever want to move again.

As you can see, it wasn't too bad. I actually got a lot accomplished yesterday. Now if we can just get all the way out of the old place, I can turn the electricity off. That would make me so happy right now. Anyway, time to get ready for the day. Take care all.


JUST A MOM said...

HEYYYYYYYYYY I stayed out of the whole moving time happy baby and glad your in pretty mcuh. Take yoru time and you will like it there and stay longer hahhahaha

WyldJoker said...

I like number 8!!!