Thursday, February 21, 2008

NO Help!

Second Post today:
Well, as some of my more regular readers know, we have been fighting to get my mom disability money for quite some time. She was declared disabled by the doctor and even her work put her from nursing duties to a desk job and she couldn't do that. Her MS is just deteriorating too bad. Anyhow, I moved her up her so I could help her in August and she had taken out her retirement, so it has been relatively easy, but that money has been gone since November and there isn't anymore. Our church has paid her utilities I think 3 months in a row. We paid her phone, to keep it on, and we have other people pay her phone to keep it on local calls. She paid 6 months rent in advance, so we didn't have to worry about it at the time. That six months is now up. We have nothing and no one can help us with anything. If the state legally declared her disabled, which is what we are still fighting, then we can have plenty of help, but since the state is not declaring her diabled yet, we get nothing. I have called that 2-1-1 Texas number and they have only a few agencies listed that even give any kind of help with rent and none of them have money, or won't see her till the first, since that is when rent is due, and then it is not the whole amount. I have called church after church trying to find help and no one helps with rent and the ones who did have "appointed slots for help all full." How are we supposed to get help? She is slipping through the cracks and quickly. I don't know what else to do to help. I can't just up and pay her rent because I only work part time. My husband works full time, but we barely make our ends meet and we have been helping all we can. Shoot, we have to drive back to Fort Worth, a 6 hour drive, just to get her into the doctor for an updated appointment with her neurologist (who she sees for the MS.) The doctors here won't fill out her paper work for SSI disability, because they haven't seen her before. UGH! They won't see her because she has no money and we can't even get the state to help with that. We are stuck in a catch 22. The state can't offer more help, while we wait on her court date, she can't go to the doctor because she has no insurance or money, her MS as a result is going down hill and VERY fast, the church said they can't pay her utilities anymore, her rent is due in 8 days, and we have to drive 6 hours and pay $75 to see her old doctor (not to mention the ever rising gas prices raising the cost of the trip). UGH! You see why I am so stressed now. I seem to be the only one in the family even half worried about this issue. Well, maybe its because I am responsible, and maybe its because it is the care giver in me, I don't know, but it is hard on me. If you have read this far, then thank you. I have had a hard morning and we haven't even done school yet because I have been messing around with this whole thing. I also did it yesterday afternoon. Anyhow, if you are a praying person, pray that what God wants to happen, will happen. We need all the prayers we can get. We could also use monetary donations, until we see results from SSI (LOL- Just kidding, but we really could use them.) Anyhow, pray that something happens. We are stuck right now and I am not sure what to do. Thanks all and thanks for sticking by me. I can't believe I even have readers, but I do. God works in mysterious ways. Lots of love....

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