Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Done...sort of

Well, its done....sort of. My mom is all moved in here with us for a couple of months. The cats are at a kennel for a day or two and the furniture is in storage in several places. Yesterday was a long day. Now, to get through the maze of boxes that are actually in my mother's room there. That may be a different story. Now its back to the same ole routine of school and work. YIKES!!

Now for something that you may find funny and I found annoying....okay, it is a bit funny now, but still kind of annoying for me...

You know how a few months ago we got those digital converter boxes and went digital? Well, the TV in our bedroom had no issues. It stay up and running and works like a charm The TV in the living room, well, lets just say that half the time we never had a working channel and move the antenna an inch and you lose it all. UGH!! It was very frustrating. How can that be? Well, last night I wanted to watch TV in my living room and it would not come in. I adjusted and prodded and moved those things to no avail. Finally I gave up, turned off the converter box and sat on the couch with the remote. I fiddled with some buttons and it turns out that our living room TV is digital! Oh my goodness. Who knew!?!?!?! I quickly unhooked the converter box, and set up our digital TV. Good grief! The TV works great now and we have an extra converter box in the house. It was too funny. Actually last night I was aggravated, because I had spent money on that box, but now I can sell it to someone. LOL!! It works perfectly. See, I knew you would get a kick out of that.

Alright time for me to wake up the sleeping angel girl. We have school to get done today and she likes some TV time before hand, so here goes. Have a good day and God bless.

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