Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Ballet Class

Yesterday was Anna's last ballet class. I will post pictures of it at the end, but she did so much better this year than last year. she mostly knew what she was doing and stayed with the other kids. It was very cute. They danced to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Very cute. It was funny though, because as I was getting her ready for her last class, she said, "This is my last ballet class, right mom?" I responded with, "Yes, this is the last one, but we can sign you up for more classes in January." Her response was an un-resounding, "YES!!!" I think she was glad it was over. I really don't care if she continues with ballet, but I do want her to go to some sort of classes to learn some structure. Especially since we homeschool. I feel it is important to learn listening skills and classes outside the home are a good way to do it. Anyways, that's it. She did well and class is over.
Sitting with Daddy before class:

At the bar:

Practicing Moves:

Too Priceless:

When a jump didn't go quite the way she wanted, we were left with this picture. It was very cute, even though she says it was embarrassing. Yes, we talk about embarrassing stuff a lot lately. It was fun!! Stay tuned tomorrow for highlights from the big ballet!!

1 comment:

We're Blessed said... sad to be over for now! But, there will be other things! Em says she looks pretty in her ballet clothes!