Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Asking for Prayers

(This is a lot personal and hard for me to post, but we need prayers.)

Please pray for guidance. We have withdrawn Anna from the private school effective this Friday and the plan was to put her in public school, but I'm not so sure about this plan. I really need prayers for guidance that we make the right decisions. I am running out of time to decide this as it will need to be on the paperwork first thing Friday and because I'm making the schedule for work for next week and if we will indeed be homeschooling again, we will need to tweak it just right. I make that schedule for tomorrow. Thanks all for the prayers. I always hope I'm making the right decision for my little girl and acting on faith and not self, but sometimes I question and double guess myself. Thank you in advance again. God bless.

1 comment:

We're Blessed said...

Father God, please give peace, guidance, clear direction and wisdom, concerning Anna and her schooling. Father, You know what is best and You already planned this, before we were created. Please show Nicole and Jeremy exactly what they are to do and give them peace about their decision. I pray a special hedge of protection over the entire family, that no harm come near them or against them and that they be protected from the enemy's attacks. Thank You, Father, for who You are and for Your faithfulness. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Love and Hugs, Nicole! Trust in the Lord in all your ways and He will direct your paths! Be still and know His plans and remember that God is a God of peace, not distress. God has not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind! (((HUGS)))