Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Rough Life for the Dog

This has been a rough 4-6 weeks.  There are ticks really bad outside.  The dog has had them, not a lot of them, but enough.  We thought we were almost rid of them, and then boom they came back yesterday.  The poor dog has had about 5-6 removed in the last 2 days.  To top it all off, I found them in the bathroom, on my bed and just now took one off me!!  YUCK!!  I've washed all the bedding, pulled up the rugs (can't really pull up the carpeting) and washed the dogs beds.  I have sprayed everywhere for bugs, changed my shirt, vacuumed off the beds and floors and now I'm just not sure what else I can do.  I am sick of this already.  I have already treated the outside 2 weeks ago, but it doesn't seem to be helping.  The dog will be getting a bath before he gets all his bedding back.  He has had a bath almost every week, except last week, which may be why they came back.  Is there any sure fire way to get rid of the darn things.  My skin is crawling thinking I'll find another one on me.  It really was gross.  Sigh.  Guess I just want them gone.  If you have any good ideas, let me know.  Maybe I haven't tried that one yet.  Thanks.

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