Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pictures Still to Come

Ok, ok. I admit it. I am slow to post pictures this time. They are coming though. I promise. UGH!! I need to figure out how to move them to the proper spots on the computer myself. LOL!! My hubby does that for me and so I wait. There are some good ones on there too.

As a side not, I forgot to tell you that I got my hair cut two weeks ago. As always, I still hate my hair. It comes from my birth father. It is wiry, frizzy and just plain a mess, no matter what I do. I can straightened it and it is still frizzy. I can perm it and it is still frizzy. I sometimes just want smooth straight hair. Ok, I admit it...I always want smooth straight hair. LOL!! Anyhow, You will gt a half a look in the new pictures, when I post them.

Ok, I better go and get started with my day. I am so procrastinating today. I just want to laze around, but I have things to do. Have a good day all. God Bless!!


We're Blessed said...

Hmmmm...tick, tock, tick, tock....hmmmm....well...hmmmm....waiting, waiting...hmmmm...


Mom22girls said...

Just checking back for photos. I like the ticking of we're blessed's clock! LOL!