Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day???

Well, it has been a few days. Valentines day, came and went. We got Anna a little toy horse, with one of those purse carry bags, and two books. That lasted her all of the one day and I haven't seen the horse since. Probably won't for a while too. We got Jeremy a bag of his favorite candy, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a container of Gummy Worms. I got......NOTHING! Yes, you read that right, nothing. Not a single candy, or a single flower. Nothing! What did I do wrong? I should have at least gotten a card or something. Oh well, thats life and it really doesn't surprise me anymore.

Anna and I did not do school yesterday. I still have got dishes all over the counters that need to be washed from moving. Add onto that the dishes from everyday use and you got one big mess all over the counters. Anyhow, so I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned a counter full of dishes and left them to dry. Now I actually need to run the dishwasher and put away the dishes.

We also went to a place called Fun of a Kind. It is an indoor place for the kids to play and with temperatures in the 20s and drizzly weather, yesterday was the perfect time for this place. I had jello legs yesterday from jumping on the trampoline with Anna for an hour and a half. She had a great time though and played for almsot 2 full hours. I, on the other hand have had my workout for the next week. That wore me out.

Today, well, it is drizzling and cold, yet again. We are expecting snow. (Wonder if we will ever see it.) I work and Jeremy needs to take his car in for new tires. I am tired. Will I ever get some rest? UGH! Better go for now. Have a good Saturday. Hope yours is better than mine.

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