Monday, September 24, 2007

Gymnastics Pictures

Well, today was a successful gymnastics day. Anna did excellent and had a great time. She also looked super cute in her outfit. She wouldn't take it off, so she has worn it all day. Oh well, she does look cute in it. Here are the pictures. Enjoy!

Posing at home before we left:

Walking the balance beam:

Front Roll (aka somersault):

Waiting her turn (couldn't resist the photo):

Crab Walking (its dark, but she did great at this skill):

Cinderella Cookie:

I know, I know, what does the Cinderella cookie have to do with anything?! Anna got this from my mom today and I thought it looked so cute and real, that I snapped a picture of it. She will eat it tomorrow with her lunch, or as an afternoon snack. Now, did my beautiful girl look cute or what?! Just wait till Wednesday! I bet she will look even cuter! Not possible you say? Just you wait and see. LOL! Tune in Wednesday for more details!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's grown!