Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well, we are well under way to moving my mom down by us. I have about 1/2 the house packed up and we have already sold some of the items. Anyone need a fridge?? For some strange reason those are the only two things that haven't gotten any bites yet on the sale list. We are trying to sell everything of value. Does anyone know if a pawn shop will take a fridge?? Hey, something is better than nothing and these fridge are really nice. One is two years old and one is three years old. GREAT condition. LOL! Anyhow, I have gotten more boxes and we will take mom to the doctor today for her SSI appointment. Hopefully they don't drag it out and keep us there all day, but you never know. Then, it is back here to packing, packing, packing. Anna is doing really well with it all. She has gotten on JumpsStart Kindergarten here, which gives her some school time. I aslo picked her up some new toys last night to play with as she has done super good with me being so busy and there not really being much to do here. Anyhow, i do miss my bed. The air mattress is just not cutting it anymore. It is killing my back after 3 nights. Only three more nights of sore back. Anyhow, I better get busy as I need to to shower. I went to bed with wet hair last night and boy is that a sight to see on my head. LOL! Have a good day. Take care all.

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